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Yu-Gi-Oh! Playmats Oficiais

Yu-Gi-Oh! Playmats Oficiais

Quem não sonha em ver o desenho da sua carta predileta estampada em um Playmat Oficial? Os Playmats são o sonho da maioria dos Duelistas. Você pode conseguir o seu, participando dos disputadissimos Campeonatos Oficiais ou tirando uma bela grana do Bolso, já que esses exclusivos tapetes tem um preço bem amargo. Abaixo, os Playmats Oficiais OCG e TCG.


2012 Yugioh Playmat - Top 32 YCS Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry

2012 Yugioh Playmat - Return of Duelist Sneak Peek

2012 Yugioh Playmat - Ma'at World Championship Qualifier 2012

2012 Yugioh Playmat - Inzektors National

2012 - 100th Yugioh Championship Series - Tour Bus from the Underworld

Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Playmat

2012 Yugioh Playmat - Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shi En

2012 Yugioh Playmat - Galactic Overlord Sneak Peek

2012 Yugioh Zexal Extravaganza Playmat 2012


2011 Yugioh Playmat - Order of Chaos 

2011 Yugioh Playmat - Order of Chaos Sneak Peek

2011 Judge Playmat - Tiras & Adreus

World Championship Qualifier 2011 - Top 32 Trishula Playmat

World Championship Qualifier 2011 - Six Samurais Playmat

World Championship Qualifier 2011 - Gladiator Beast Essedari

2011 Aesir Regional Game Mat

Sneak Preview - Storm of Ragnarok - Odin Playmat

2010 Yugioh Extravaganza Playmat

2011 Regional Qualifiers - Monarchs Playmat

Sneak Preview - Starstrike Blast - Shooting Star Dragon

2010 Regionals Junk Theme Playmat

Sneak Preview - Duelist Revolution - Dragon-Knight Draco Equiste

2010 Win-A-Mat Black Rose Dragon Playmat

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat World Championship Qualifier 2010 - Brionac

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat World Championship Qualifier - Infernity

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat Word Championship Qualifier 2010 - Darklords

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Judge Playmat 2010 - Sun & Moon Dragon

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat 2010 - Yusei Fudo D- Wheel

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat 75th Shonen Jump - Tragoedia

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat 2010 - Crow

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat Regional Qualifiers - X-Sabers

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat Regional Qualifiers - Blackwings

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - The Shining Darkness (Sneak Peek)

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Absolute Powerforce (Sneak Peek)

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Stardust Overdrive (Sneak Peek)

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Ancient Prophecy ( Sneak Peek)

anpr_sneak_mat (1)

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Jack Atlus Red Dragon Archfiend Assault Mode

Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat 2010 - Regionals Lightsworn


Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat 2009 - European Championship


Yugioh KDE Official Tournament - Raging Battle Sneak Peak - Power Tool Dragon


Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Shonen Jump Top 16 - Dark End Dragon


Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Win-a-Mat Tourney - Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode


Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Sirocco & Samnite ( Summer 2009 Regional Qualifier)


Yugioh KDE Official Tournament Playmat - Dark Voltanys


Yugioh Konami Official Tournament Playmat - Crossroad of Chaos


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Junk Warrior (Hobby League)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Red Demon Dragon Vs Stardust Dragon (Hobby League)


Yugioh Konami Official Tournament Playmat - Duelist Genesis


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Dark Armed Dragon (Hobby League)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Armageddon Knight (Spring 2008 Regional Qualifier)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat-Gorz Emissary of Darkness 2008 Regional Qualifier


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat- Judgment Dragon ( Summer 2008 Regional Qualifier)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Six Samurai ( Judge )


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Montage Dragon ( Fall 2008 Regional Qualifier )


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Jinzo Lord (2008 National Championship)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat-Doomcaliber Knight (50th Shonen Jump)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Light of Destruction


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Yubel


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Original Play Field


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Elemental Hero Chaos Neos


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - National Championship 2007 **Cyber Dragon


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Regional Top 8 ** Rainbow Dragon


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Chimeratech Overdragon (Judge)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Red Eyes Darkness Dragon Vs Vampire Genesis


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Sacred Beasts


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Infernal Flame Emperor & Ocean Dragon Lord


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Red, Yellow & Green Gadgets (Hobby League)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Crystal Beasts (Hobby League)


Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat - Warrior & Spellcaster


Postado por:_MoNo_

Gostou? então compartilhe!

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15 Comentários

  1. arthur

    gostei do que tem o DAD eo jumento muito massa

  2. Reginaldo

    Parabens mono por trazer mais uma materia show, nem sabia que tinha tanto playmat. Valeu...

  3. Alan D.D.

    Poco loco esse tapetinho
    se naum tivesse pilantragem bem que a gente podia ter uns desses pro champ
    muito legal o dos gadget o tiago ia fica vidrado jogando com um desses

  4. arthur

    alguem pode me faze uma doação desses tapetinhos ehehhehehehhe

  5. yuri

    eu compraria o das sacred beasts

  6. Ankz

    tragoedia deeeeita

  7. Kusanagi

    Caraka... uma playmatt melhor q outra... dificil dizer qual a melhor.

    Nem sabia q tinha Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat – Light of Destruction (Honest). Só acho q deveriam ter deixado Honest centralizado :/

  8. bruno

    gostei do que tem o DAD eo jumento muito massa


  9. Mauricio

    onde compra?

  10. Renata

    Yugioh UDE Official Tournament Playmat – Sacred Beasts esse é legal,onde eu consigo comprar um no rs?pelo preço d 70 menos?

  11. Onyusha Satetsu ( manolo dorgas )

    lol velho se você não tem bufunfa pra comprar um playmat vai no mercado livre existe gente que personalzia so mandar a foto deve ser uns 20-40 reais ou pegar uma cartolina um lapís pegar um card e is riscando depois passar uma canetinha esferografica ( coisa de pobre ) xD e nóis trollface DDDD= '--'

  12. 1G0R

    Eu comprava o do montage dragon ( minha carta mais forte do main deck hehe)

  13. 1G0R

    Ah! além dos lightsworn (no side deck)

  14. Léo Souza

    Pessoal... Na boa... Me Ajudem... onde COmpro Playmats Como Esses...???
    Os Do Solosagrado e do colyseum Eu Não Curti Não! ME Ajuem!
