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[OCG]3rd Tetsu Championship

[OCG]3rd Tetsu Championship

Data: 27 de Dezembro

Participantes: 191

Top 3

1st Place: Whirlwind Blackwing

2nd Place: Dimensional Skill Drain

3rd Place: Zombie - Synchro

Deck: Dimensional Skill Drain



3X Beastking Barbaros

3X Guardian Eatos

3X Elemental Hero Neos Alius

2X Evocator Chevalier

2X Thunder King Rai-Oh

1X Elemental Hero Stratos


3X Dimensional Fissure

3X Book of Moon

3X Gemini Spark

1X Reinforcement of the Army

1X Forbidden Chalice


3X Skill Drain

3X Dark Bribe

2X Bottomless Trap Hole

2X Starlight Road

2X Macro Cosmos

1X Dimensional Prison

1X Mirror Force

1X Solemn Judgment


Side Deck

3X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Cyber Dragon

1X Heavy Storm

1X Lightning Vortex

1X Super Polymerization

1X My Body is a Shield

2X Seven Tools of Bandit

2X Royal Oppression

1X Trap Hole

1X Pole Position

1X Torrential Tribute



2X Stardust Dragon

1X Light End Dragon

1X Psychic Lifetrancer

1X One Hundred-Eye Dragon

1X Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

1X Elemental Hero the Shinning

1X Elemental Hero Gaia

1X Elemental Hero Great Tornado

1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

1X Empress Judge

1X Super Alloy Beast Raptinus

1X Wumanoid Worm Drake

1X Uforoid Fighter

1X The Last Warrior from Another Planet


Top 8

Necro - Zombie

Extra - Win

Zombie - Light


Top 16

Junk Blade

Cy-Caly- Meanae


Saber - Synchro

Deck: Junk Blade



3X Kuraz the Light Monarch

2X Ehren Lightsworn Monk

3X Jain Lightsworn Paladin

2X Junk Collector


2X Magical Stone Excavation

1X Spell Reproduction

2X Gold Sarcophagus

1X Heavy Storm

3X Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade

1X Card Destruction

3X Hand Destruction

3X Charge of the Light Brigade

1X Giant Trunade

3X Solar Recharge

3X Arms Hole

3X D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation


3X Magical Explosion

1X Return from a Different Dimension


Side Deck

3X Honest

1X Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

3X Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

2X Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2X Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

1X Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

3X Royal Decree



1X Ally of Justice Catastor

1X Ally of Justice Decisive Arms

1X X-Saber Urbellum

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Goyo Guardian

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Dark End Dragon

1X Doomkaiser Dragon

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Magical Android

1X Mist Wurm

1X Thought Ruler Archfiend

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Revived King Ha Des

1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary


**Junk Collector

Light/Level 5


Atk 1000 / Def 2200

Efeito: Ative por remover de jogo essa carta virada para cima que você controle e 1 Normal Trap Card no seu cemitério. O efeito dessa carta se torna o efeito da Normal Trap Card removida de jogo para essa ativação. Esse efeito pode ser ativado durante o turno do oponente.


Top 32

Zombie - Lightsworn

Gravekeeper's  Synchro

Machine - Gadget

Dark Dragon

Graveyard Blackwing


Deck: Gravekeeper's Synchro



2X Gravekeeper's Descendant

2X Gravekeeper's Spy

3X Gravekeeper's Guard

3X Gravekeeper's Commandant

2X Gravekeeper's Assailant

3X Caius the Shadow Monarch

1X Psychic Commander

1X Krebons

1X Sangan

1X Mystic Tomato

1X Blackwing - Gale of the Whirlwind


1X Brain Control

3X Book of Moon

1X Emergency Teleport

3X Necrovalley

2X Allure of Darkness

1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Mirror Force

1X Solemn Judgment

1X Torrential Tribute

2X Royal Oppression

1X Magic Jammer

1X Starlight Road

2X Scrap-Iron Scarecrow


Side Deck

3X Doomcaliber Knight

1X Mobius the Frost Monarch

2X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Heavy Storm

2X Nobleman of Extermination

2X Trap Stun

2X Dust Tornado

1X Dimensional Prison



1X Ally of Justice -  Catastor

1X Ally of Justice - Decisive Arms

2X Arcanite Magician

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Goyo Guardian

2X Stardust Dragon

1X Dark End Dragon

1X Black Rose Dragon

2X Tempest Magician

1X Mist Wurm

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Brionac Dragon of the Ice Barrier


**Lembrando que as decklists completas estão no site:


Postado por:_MoNo_

Gostou? então compartilhe!

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2 Comentários

  1. KiD

    nao entendi esse deck com o kuraz
    alguem sabe como funca?

    • monooooooo

      Seguinte Kid, a moral do deck é encher de Spells no Grave pra ativar Magical Explosion e causar um dano absurdo..usando a própria carta e Junk Collector
