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[OCG]Philppine Weekly Tournament 2

[OCG]Philppine Weekly Tournament 2

28 de Novembro


1° Lugar: Paul Dizon

Deck: Alchemy Synchron



3X Thunder King Rai-Oh

2X Genex Neutron

3X Hyper Synchron

2X Road Synchron

3X Honest

2X Dimensional Alchemist

1X D.D Warrior Lady

1X Freed the Brave Wanderer

1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind

2X Gravekeeper's Spy

1X Gravekeeper's Guard


1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystcial Space Typhoon

1X Lightning Vortex

1X Smashing Ground

1X Soul Taker

1X Fissure

1X Brain Control

2X Enemy Controller

2X My Body is a Shield


1X Mirror Force

1X Torrential Tribute

2X Bottomless Trap Hole

3X Royal Oppression



1X Junk Warrior

1X Chain Dragon

1X Goyo Guardian

1X Psychic Lifetrancer

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Avenging Knight Parshath

1X Tought Ruler Archfiend

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Sun Dragon Quila


Genex Neutron

Light/Level 4


Atk 1800/Def 1200

Efeito: Durante a End Phase do turno em que essa carta foi Normal Summoned, você pode adicionar 1 Machine-Type Tuner Monster do seu deck para a sua mão.


2° Lugar: Charlon "Bert" Yu

Deck: Flamvell Synchro



1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind

3X Necro Gardna

2X Lyla, Lightsworn Hunter

1X Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

1X Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

1X Dark Armed Dragon

3X Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3X Flamvell Firedog

1X Flamvell Magician

1X Plaguespreader Zombie

3X Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn

2X Blackwing-Vyu the Emblem of Honor

1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness


3X Charge of the Light Brigade

2X Allure of Darkness

2X Miracle Dig

3X Rekindling

1X Brain Control

1X Heavy Storm

3X Burial from a Different Dimension


3X Skill Sucessor

3X Threatening Roar

1X Mirror Force

1X Torrential Tribute


1X Ally of Justice Catastor

1X Brionac Dragon of Ice Barrier

1X Goyo Guardian

1X Tempest Magician

2X Blackwing-Armed Wing

2X Blackwing-Armor Master

1X Power Tool Dragon

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Arcanite Magician

1X Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Red Dragon Archfiend



Postado por:_MoNo_

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