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[OCG]Smile-Inter Store vs Torekadow Nakawaga Store Tournament

[OCG]Smile-Inter Store vs Torekadow Nakawaga Store Tournament

1 de Novembro de 2009

35 participantes


1st Place: Harukahana

Deck: Zombie-Lightsworn




3X The Dark Creator

1X Dark Armed Dragon

1X Caius the Shadow Monarch

2X Chaos Sorcerer

1X Zombie Master

2X Goblin Zombie

2X Mezuki

1X Plaguespreader Zombie

1X Phantom of Chaos

2X Mystic Tomato

2X Necro Gardna

2X Tragoedia

1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness

2X Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

1X Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

1X Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1X Night' End Sorcerer


1X Heavy Storm

3X Burial From a Different Dimension

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Lightning Vortex

3X Charge of the Light Brigade

2X Alure of Darkness

1X Foolish Burial

1X Brain Control


1X Treacherous Trap Hole

1X Skill Sucessor

1X The Transmigration Prophecy

Side Deck

1X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

2X Thunder King Rai-Oh

2X  Mobius the Frost Monarch

1X Soul Exchange

1X Call of Haunted

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Royal Decree

2X Mirror of Oaths

1X Dust Tornado

2X Rainbow Life

1X The Transmigration Prophecy


1X Ally of Justice Catastor

1X Revived King Ha Des

1X Doomkaiser Dragon

1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

1X Goyo Guardian

1X Tempest Magician

1X Arcanite Magician

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Dark End Dragon

1X Thought Ruler Archfiend

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Mist Wurm

1X Ally of Justice Decisive Arms


2nd Place: Doll-Master

Deck: Zombie-Synchro




3X Caius the Shadow Monarch

3X Mystic Tomato

1X Dark Armed Dragon

2X Tragoedia

1X Armageddon Knight

1X Necro Gardna

2X Goblin Zombie

2X Mezuki

1X Zombie Master

1X Spirit Reaper

1X Plaguespreader Zombie


1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Brain Control

2X Foolish Burial

2X Allure of Darkness

2X Book of Life

2X Burial From a Different Dimension


3X Royal Oppression

3X Trap Stun

2X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Mirror Force

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Trap Dustshoot


Não Informado

3rd Place: Naoki

Deck: Synchro Cat


4th Place: Sobbat

Deck: Dark Dragon


Postado por:_MoNo_

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