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Resultado IX-Campeonato Yugioh [TCG]/ Joinville

Resultado IX-Campeonato Yugioh [TCG]/ Joinville

Local: Livrarias Curitiba - Shopping Mueller


1° Lugar: Halisson Stalker
Deck: Dark Zombie




2X Zombie Master
2X Goblin Zombie
2X Pyramid Turtle
2X Mezuki
2X Necro Gardna
1X Tragoedia
3X Armageddon Knight
1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Dark Armed Dragon
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Sangan
1X Plaguespreader Zombie


3X Burial From a Different Dimension
3X Book of Life
2X Foolish Burial
2X Allure of Darkness
1X Brain Control
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Lightning Vortex
1X Giant Trunade
1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Call of Haunted
1X Mirror Force

Extra Deck

1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Thought Ruler Archfiend
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X X-Saber Urbellum
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Gaia Knight,the Force of Earth
2X Revived King Ha Des
2X Doomkaiser Dragon
2X Magical Android
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck

2XD.D Crow
1XWarrior Elimination
1X Intercept
2X Pulling the Rug
2X Light Imprisoning Mirror
2X Mirror of Oaths
2X Dust Tornado
2X Threatening Roar
1X Malevolent Catastrophe

2° Lugar: Paulinho Braz
Deck: Big City




1X Elemental Hero Stratos
2X Elemental Hero Ocean
2X Elemental Hero Wildhearth
2X Elemental Hero Neos Allius
2X Exiled Force
1X D.D Warrior Lady
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Card Trooper
1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior
1X Morphing Jar
1X Sangan


3X Skyscraper 2-Hero City
3X E-Emergency Call
3X Shrink
2X Enemy Controller
2X Lightning Vortex
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Heavy Storm
1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Dimensional Prison
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Dark Bribe
1X Solemn Judgment
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck

1X Stardust Dragon
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck

2X Banisher of Radiance
2X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2X Blue Thunder T-45
3X King Tiger Wanghu
1X Sangan

3X Burden of the Mighty
2X Forced Back

3° Lugar: Jairo Storckmann
Deck: Lightsworn




2X Judgment Dragon
3X Honest
3X Lumina,Lightsworn Summoner
2X Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
3X Wulf,Lightsworn Beast
3X Celestia,Lightsworn Angel
2X Garoth,Lightsworn Warrior
1X Jain,Lightsworn Paladin
1X Ryko,Lightsworn Hunter
1X Aurkus,Lightsworn Druid
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
3X Necro Gardna
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Plaguespreader Zombie


3X Solar Recharge
3X Charge of the Light Brigade
1X Monster Reincarnation
1X Giant Trunade
1X Card Destruction
1X Heavy Storm


3X Beckoning Light
1X Call of Haunted

Extra Deck

1X Stardust Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Avenging Knight Parshath
1X Iron Chain Dragon
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck

1X Caius the Shadow Monarch
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior
1X Chaos Sorcerer
1X Phantom of Chaos
1X Aurkus,Lightsworn Druid
1X Shiny Black C

1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Burial From a Different Dimension

2X Dust Tornado
2X Mirror of Oaths
2X Threatening Roar
1X Malevolent Catastrophe

4° Lugar:Dan
Deck: GB Synchro




2X Gladiator Beast Laquari
2X Gladiator Beast Samnite
1X Gladiator Beast Bestiari
1X Gladiator Beast Equeste
1X Gladiator Beast Secutor
1X Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1X Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
1X Gladiator Beast Darius
3X Test Tiger
1X Elemental Hero Prisma
1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind
1X Gorz Emissary Of Darkness
1X Summoner Monk
1X Rescue Cat
2X X-Saber Airbellum
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Phantom of Chaos


2X Book of Moon
2X Shrink
1X Brain Control
1X Heavy Storm
1X Indomitable Gladiator Beast
1X Cold Wave
1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Gladiator Beast War Chariot
2X Waboku
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Call of Haunted
1X Limit Reverse
1X Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck

1X Stardust Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Blackrose Dragon
1X Blackwing-Armor Master
1X Blackwing-Armed Wing
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Gaia Knight,the Force of Earth
1X X-Saber Urbellum
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Psychic Lifetrancer
1X Magical Android
2X Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
2X Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

Side Deck

1X Gladiator Beast Retiari
1X Koaki' Meiru Power Hand
1X Jinzo
2X Trap Eater
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Giant Trunade
1XGladiator Beast Respite

1X Trap Stun
1X Mask of Restrict
3X Anti-Spell Fragrance
2X Imperial Iron Wall

5° Lugar: Thiago de Freitas
Deck: Gadget Oppression




2X Red Gadget
2X Yellow Gadget
2X Green Gadget
2X D.D Warrior Lady
3X Banisher of Radiance
3X Thunder King Rai-Oh
3X Breaker the Magical Warrior
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1x Neo Spacian Grand Mole


2X Dimensional Fissure
3X Shrink
2X Lightning Vortex
2X Soul Taker
3X Fissure
1x Smashing Ground
1X Heavy Storm


3X Dimensional Prison
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Royal Oppression
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Mirror Force

Side Deck

2X Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2X G.B Hunter
1X D.D Warrior Lady
2X Dimensional Fortress Weapon

1X Lightning Vortex
1X Mirror Wall
2X Pulling the Rug
2X Light Imprisoning Mirror
1X Royal Oppression

6° Lugar: Otaner Demarchi
Deck: Dark Synchro




3X Caius the Shadow Monarch
2X Gravekeeper's Spy
2X Destiny Hero Malicious
1X Destiny Hero Plasma
1X Destiny Hero Diamond Dude
1X Elemental Hero Stratos
1X Dark Armed Dragon
1X Dark Grepher
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Phantom of Chaos
1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind
1X Spirit Reaper
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Sangan
1X Morphing Jar
1X Snipe Hunter
1X Plaguespreader Zombie


2X Destiny Draw
2X Allure of Darkness
2X Book of Moon
1X Reinforcements of the Army
1X Mind Control
1X Brain Control
1X Scapegoat
1X Heavy Storm
1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Call of Haunted
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck

1X Blackwing Armor Master
1X Blackwing Armed Wing
1X Blackrose Dragon
1X Arcanite Magician
2X Stardust Dragon
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Iron Chain Dragon
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck

2X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1X Marshmallon
1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole

1X Twister
3X Light Imprisoning Mirror
2X Mind Crush
2X Pulling the Rug
3X Royal Decree

7° Lugar:Zeca
Deck: Macro Synchro




2X Light and Darkness Dragon
2X Caius the Shadow Monarch
2X Gravekeeper's Spy
3X D.D Survivor
2X Cyber Valley
1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whirlwind
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Summoner Monk
1X Rose Warrior of Revenge
1X Krebons
1X Psychic Commander
1X Spirit Reaper


3X Dimensional Fissure
3X Soul Exchange
1X Mind Control
1X Brain Control
1X Emergency Teleport
1X Giant Trunade
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Forbidden Chalice


2X Macro Cosmos
2X Magic Drain
2X Compulsory Evacuation Device
1X Solemn Judgment
1X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck

2X Stardust Dragon
1X Arcanite Magician
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Blackwing Armed Wing
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Magical Android
1X Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck

1X Mobius the Frost Monarch
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior
1X Snipe Hunter

1X Heavy Storm
1X Lightning Vortex

2X Royal Oppression
2X Dust Tornado
2X Mirror of Oaths
2X Pulling the Rug
2X Light Imprisoning Mirror

8° Lugar:_MoNo_
Deck:Chaos Synchro




2X Thunder King Rai-Oh
3X D.D Warrior Lady
2X Honest
2X Blue Thunder T-45
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Marshmallon
2X Caius the Shadow Monarch
2X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1X Chaos Sorcerer
1X Gorz Emissary of Darkness
1X Blackwing-Gale of the Whrlwind
2X Krebons
1X Sangan
1X Rose, Warrior of Revenge


2X Book of Moon
2X Shrink
1X Brain Control
1X Mind Control
1x Emergency Teleport
1X Reinforcements of the Army
1X Smashing Ground
2X Lightning Vortex
1X Heavy Storm
1X Cold Wave
1X Mystical Space Typhoon


2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck

1X Goyo Guardian
1X Stardust Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Colossal Fighter

Side Deck

1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole
2X Dimensional Fissure
2X Fissure
2X Lightning Vortex
1X Giant Trunade
1X Book of Moon
1X Twister

2X Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell
2X Sakuretsu Armor
1X Return from a Different Dimension

Gostou? então compartilhe!

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2 Comentários

  1. Ikaro

    Primeira vez que eu fui lá, gostei bastante. Da próxima vez vou pra jogar!
    Daí já era pra vcs! ¬¬

    EIII não abandona o blog....pleasee

  2. yuri

    alguem tem malicious edge,elemental hero avian e wild cyclone pra vender?
