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[TCG-OCG]Nomes Trocados- Parte I

[TCG-OCG]Nomes Trocados- Parte I

Muitas cartas tem seu nome mudado na sua versão TCG, as vezes por motivos religiosos e as vezes sem nenhum motivo aparente.Vejam abaixo algumas cartas que tiveram seus nomes trocados.

Judgment Dragon====Judgment Dragoon

Blackwing-Vayu the Emblem of Honor====Black Feather-Vayu the Big Flag

Thunder King Rai-Oh====Raiou

Destiny Hero-Malicious====Destiny Hero-Diabolic Guy

Destiny Hero Plasma====D-Hero Bloo-D

Plaguespreader Zombie====Zombie Carrier

Jinzo====Android Psycho Shocker

Caius the Shadow Monarch====Wicked Emperor Gaius

Test Tiger====Slave Tiger

Dead Spirit Knight====Doomcaliber Knight

Armageddon Knight====Knight of the End

Herald of Creation====Prophet of World Creation

Tytannial Princess of Camellias====Camellia Titanial

Beastking Barbaros==== God Beastking Barbaros

Charge of the Light Brigade==== Reinforcement of the Light

Solar Recharge====Solar Exchange

Gold Sarcophagus==== Golden Chest of Sealing

Hidden Armory====Arms Hole

Solemn Judgment====Declaration of God

Mirror Force====Holy Barrier

Doomkaiser Dragon====Deathkaiser Dragon

Ressurrected Demon King Ha Des==== Revived King Ha Des

Colossal Fighter====Gigantech Fighter

Red Dragon Archfiend====Red Demon Dragon

Avenging Knight Parshath=====Holy Knight Perseus

Em breve mais cartas e seus respectivos nomes no OCG.

Postado por:_MoNo_

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