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I- Campeonato Yugioh TCG/Joinville – Temporada 2010

I- Campeonato Yugioh TCG/Joinville – Temporada 2010

Primeiro campeonato do ano e já conseguimos bater o nosso recorde. 32 Duelistas, sendo parte deles de Jaraguá do Sul e também tivemos o retorno de duelistas que a tempos não participavam. O nível dos decks aumentou e a disputa para ficar entre os 8 foi acirrada. Destaco nesse campeonato o uso de algumas cartas que vi dando trabalho e pegando muita gente de surpresa, são elas: Threatening Roar, Divine Wrath e Solemn Judgment e também para o Deck Gigavise Turbo que ganhou as 5 partidas que disputou nas eliminatórias. Agradeço aos parceiros que sempre me ajudam a organizar o champ Alan, Corvo, Dan e conto com a presença de todos no próximo campeonato.

Abraço a todos


*Você pode ver todas as fotos do torneio no link:


Rafael Convento (Gordo) feat. Paulinho Braz

Deck: XX - Is not Porn



3X XX - Saber Fautroll

2X XX - Saber Garderstrike

3X XX - Saber Fulhelmknight

2X XX - Saber Ragigura

3X XX - Saber Airbellum

2X Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1X Rescue Cat

1X Summoner Monk

1X Card Trooper

1X Giant Rat

1X Sangan

1X Morphing Jar


2X Foolish Burial

1X Brain Control

1X Smashing Ground

1X Reinforcement of the Army

1X Mind Control

1X Heavy Storm

1X One for One

1X Giant Trunade

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Pot of Avarice

1X Saber Slash


3X Gottoms Emergency Call

2X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Solemn Judgment

1X Call of Haunted

1X Torrential Tribute


3X XX - Saber Gottoms

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

2X Stardust Dragon

1X Colossal Fighter

3X X - Saber Urbellum

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Iron Chain Dragon

1X Goyo Guardian

1X Magical Android

1X Ally of Justice Catastor


Quartas de Final

Halisson Stalker (Dark Zombie) XVitor (GB Forest)

Ikaro Anzini (O.F.D.M) X Renan (Gadget)

Fabricio "Inseto" (Gigavise Turbo) X Pedro (Zombie-Synchro)

João Paulo (Macro Monarch) X Dan


Halisson Stalker X Inseto

Ikaro Anzini X JP


Halisson Stalker X Ikaro Anzini

*P.S: Assistam com "SOM" pq esses caras falam muita merda hahaha.

Campeão: Halisson Stalker

Deck: Dark Zombie



1X Plaguespreader Zombie

2X Zombie Master

2X Goblin Zombie

2X Pyramid Turtle

2X Mezuki

3X Necro Gardna

2X Armageddon Knight

1X Blackwing - Gale of the Whirlwind

1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Dark Armed Dragon

1X Cyber Dragon

1X Caius the Shadow Monarch

1X Sangan


3X Burial from a Different Dimension

3X Book of Life

2X Allure of Darkness

2X Foolish Burial

1X Brain Control

1X Lightning Vortex

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Giant Trunade


2X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Call of Haunted

1X Mirror Force

1X Threatening Roar


1X Mist Wurm

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Thought Ruler Archfiend

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X X-Saber Urbellum

1X Goyo Guardian

1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

2X Revived King Ha Des

1X Doomkaiser Dragon

1X Flamvell Uruquizas

1X Magical Android

1X Ally of Justice Catastor


Side Deck

2X D.D Crow

1X Warrior Elimination

2X Soul Release

2X Pulling the Rug

2X Malevolent Catastrophe

1X Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2X Mirror of Oaths

2X Divine Wrath

1X Threatening Roar

2° Lugar: Ikaro Anzini

Deck: Omega Fucking Destroyer Modafoca



3X Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

3X Red-Eyes Wyvern

2X The Dark Creator

2X Sky Scourge Norleras

2X Phantom of Chaos

3X Necro Gardna

2X Dark Grepher

1X Dark Armed Dragon

3X Dark Horus

1X White Night Dragon

1X Prime Material Dragon


2X Gold Sarcophagus

2X Foolish Burial

3X Trade-In

1X Heavy Storm

3X Hand Destruction

2X Allure of Darkness

1X Future Fusion


1X Mirror Force

1X Call of Haunted

1X Torrential Tribute


1X Five Headed Dragon

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Blackwing Armor Master

1X Blackwing Armed Wing

1X Flamvell Uruquizas

1X Exploder Dragonwing

1X Iron Chain Dragon

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Trident Dragion

1X Goyo Guardian


Side Deck

2X Koa'ki Meiru Drago

2X Magna Drago

1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Brain Control

2X D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1X Giant Trunade

2X Threatening Roar

2X Eradicator Epidemic Virus

1X Deck Devastation Virus

1X Return from a Different Dimension


3° Lugar: Fabricio "Inseto"

Deck: Gigavise Turbo



3X Gigaplant

2X Botanical Lion

2X Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

3X Blazewing Buterfly

2X Lonefire Blossom

1X Copy Plant

1X Dandylion

1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Neetles

1X Sangan

1X Woodland Archer


3X Mark of the Rose

3X Hidden Armory

3X Supervise

2X D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation

2X Miracle Ferilizer

1X Heavy Storm

1X Future Fusion


1X Wall of Thorns

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Mirror Force

2X Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1X Solemn Judgment


2X Super Alloy Beast Raptinus

1X Ally of Justice Catastor

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Black Brutdrago

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Flamvell Uruquizas

1X Goyo Guardian

3X Power Tool Dragon

1X Queen of Thorns

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Stardust Dragon

1X X-Saber Urbellum


Side Deck

1X Botanical Lion

1X Lord Poison

1X Mind Control

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Miracle Fertilizer

1X Call of Haunted

1X Return from a Different Dimension

1X Forced Back

1X Dust Tornado

1X Shadow Imprisoning Mirror

1X Wall of Thorns

2X Raigeki Break

2X Threatening Roar


4° Lugar: João Paulo "JP"

Deck: Macro Monarch



3X Caius the Shadow Monarch

3X Raiza the Storm Monarch

1X Cyber Dragon

1X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Krebons

3X D.D Survivor

2X D.D Scout Plane

2X Dimensional Alchemist

2X D.D Warrior Lady

1X Mask of Darkness

1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole


1X Soul Exchange

1X Brain Control

1X Smashing Ground

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

2X Book of Moon

1X Allure of Darkness

1X Reinforcement of the Army

1X D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation


1X Torrential Tribute

2X Bottomless Trap Hole

2X Threatening Roar

1X Return from a Different Dimension

3X Macro Cosmos


1X Colossal Fighter

1X Iron Chain Dragon


Side Deck

1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

2X Legendary Jiujitsu Master

1X D.D Assailant

1X Twister

2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror

1X Threatening Roar

2X Mirror of Oaths

2X Divine Wrath

2X Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1X Dust Tornado


5° Lugar: Renan

Deck: Gadget



2X Green Gadget

2X Red Gadget

2X Yellow Gadget

3X D.D Warrior Lady

3X Breaker the Magical Warrior

2X Blue Thunder T-45

2X Cyber Phoenix

1X Snipe Hunter

1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Cyber Dragon


3X Shrink

2X Lightning Vortex

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Heavy Storm

1X Giant Trunade

1X Hammer Shot


3X Compulsory Evacuation Device

2X Sakuretsu Armor

1X Trap Hole

1X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1X Magic Cylinder

1X Trap Dustshoot


Side Deck

2X Warrior Elimination

1X Swords of Revealing Light

2X Nobleman of Crossout

1X Lightning Vortex

1X Dimensional Fissure

3X Remote Revenge

2X Dust Tornado

3X Imperial Iron Wall


6° Lugar: Vitor Deboni

Deck: GB Forest



1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Rescue Cat

3X Test Tiger

1X Elemental Hero Prisma

1X Gladiator Beast Retiari

2X Gladiator Beast Laquari

1X Gladiator Beast Murmillo

1X Gladiator Beast Retiari

2X Gladiator Beast Samnite

2X Gladiator Beast Equeste

2X Gladiator Beast Darius

1X Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

1X Gladiator Beast Secutor


2X Ancient Forest

1X Gladiator Beast Proving Ground

1X My Body is a Shield

1X Smashing Ground

1X Heavy Storm

1X Giant Trunade

3X Book of Moon


1X Solemn Judgment

3X Gladiator Beast War Chariot

1X Call of Haunted

1X Torrential Tribute

2X Bottomless Trap Hole


3X Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

2X Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1X Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz


Side Deck

1X Ancient Forest

3X Dimensional Fissure

1X Swords of Revealing Light

1X Brain Control

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Warrior Elimination

1X Cold Wave

2X Dark Bribe

1X Mask of Restrict

1X Return from a Different Dimension

2X Compulsory Evacuation Device


7° Lugar: Dan

Deck: ?

Decklist ( Não informado até o momento )


8° Lugar: Pedro

Deck: Zombie - Synchro



1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1X Tragoedia

3X Armageddon Knight

2X Zombie Master

2X Goblin Zombie

2X Pyramid Turtle

2X Mezuki

1X Plaguespreader Zombie

1X Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

1X Blackwing - Gale of the Whirlwind

3X Necro Gardna

1X The Dark Creator


2X Zombie World

3X Burial from a Different Dimension

3X Book of Life

2X Allure of Darkness

1X Lightning Vortex

1X Heavy Storm

1X Giant Trunade

2X Foolish Burial

1X Mind Control

1X Brain Control


2X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Call of Haunted

1X Torrential Tribute


1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

1X Goyo Guardian

2X Revived King Ha Des

1X Doomkaiser Dragon

1X Stardust Dragon

1X Black Rose Dragon

1X Thought Ruler Archfiend

2X Magical Android

1X X-Saber Urbellum

1X Flamvell Uruquizas

1X Red Dragon Archfiend

1X Colossal Fighter

1X Iron Chain Dragon


Side Deck

2X D.D Crow

1X Warrior Elimination

1X Soul Release

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Malevolent Catastrophe

2X Mirror of Oaths

2X Threatening Roar

2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2X Divine Wrath

1X Dust Tornado


Postado por:_MoNo_

Gostou? então compartilhe!

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11 Comentários

  1. Anzini

    UHuull campeonato foi demais, proximo vou jogar com deck anti-zumbi, e vou destruir aquele fdp(alson).

    e o cagado ainda tira MAIS um brionac nos boosters.

    parabens pelo post!

    xau bju

  2. Anzini

    AAAA e outra o deck do gordo "XX – Is not Porn-featuring Paulinho Braz"
    foi DEMAIS!!

  3. Dan

    kkk bota ai o incrivel super duper modafocker deck de merda q foi pro top 8

    ja postei kkkk

  4. JP

    O champ foi mt bom, bem organizado, com mais pessoas melhor premiação... Foi nosso recorde de pessoas, os 32, isso mostra evolução.

    [ironic] E caramba, como esse João Paulo monta bons decks, cara, ele é impressionante! faltava uma Allure, Synchros e outras cartas pro deck dele e mesmo assim ele foi mt bem [/ironic]

    galera, comenta lá no shadow tbm!

  5. reginaldo

    Primeiro campeonato do ano começou arrasando, quebra de recorde de participações, parabens a todos e ao Halisson, primeiro campeão do ano.

  6. LOKKI

    mas foi massa o camp estão de parabéns


  7. bernardo

    esses decks ao muito diferentes dos portugueses.
    aqui a unica coisa que chega a top é zombies lightsworn blackwing e GB

  8. wilmuth

    kara queria muito participar desse campeonato.
    deve ser muito legal participar.

  9. gardenna

    alguem pode me informar onde jogar yugioh em joinville?
    Passa no meu e-mail:


  10. gardenna

    onde joga yugion em joinvlle?
