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[OCG] Courtside Robinson’s Galleria Tournament (04/02)

[OCG] Courtside Robinson’s Galleria Tournament (04/02)

1st Place

Player: Mark Angelo Batallones
Deck: Green Feather


Monsters: 18

1X Dark Armed Dragon
3X Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
3X Blackwing - Bora the Spear
3X Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
3X Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
1X Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1X Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1X Spirit Reaper
1X Cyber Dragon
1X Greenkappa

Spells: 10

1X Black Whirlwind
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
3X Book of Moon
1X My Body is a Shield
1X Monster Reborn
1X Giant Trunade
1X Allure of Darkness

Traps: 12

2X Bottomless Trap Hole
3X Icarus Attack
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Trap Dustshoot
1X Mirror Force
1X Solemn Warning
1X Royal Oppression
1X Mind Crush


1X Fissure  (WTF?????)


1X Ally of Justice Catastor
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Stadust Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
2X Blackwing Armor Master
2X Blackwing Armed Wing
1X Magical Android
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Thought Ruler Archfiend
1X Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2nd Place

Player:William Israel Sy
Deck: Unlimited Gate Works


Monsters: 14

1X Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
3X Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
2X Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho
2X Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai
3X Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
3X Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki

Spells: 17

1X Reinforcement of the Army
3X Shien's Smoke Signal
3X Gateway of the Six
3X Six Samurai United
1X Cunning of the Six Samurai
1X Monster Reborn
1X Giant Trunade
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
2X Book of Moon

Traps: 09

2X Double-Edge Sword Technique
2X Magatama of Musakani
1X Truth Reinforce
1X Solemn Judgment
3X Solemn Warning


2X Cyber Dragon
2X Kinetic Soldier
2X Light-Imprisoning Mirror
1X Starlight Road
2X Rivalry of Warlords
2x Chain Disappearance
2X Dust Tornado
2X Bottomless Trap Hole


3X Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
1X Ally of Justice Catastor
1X Magical Android
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1X Goyo Guardian
1X X-Saber Urbellum
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

3rd Place

Player: Orlando Rivera
Deck: Six Samurai


Monsters: 11

1X Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
3X Kagemusha of teh Six Samurai
3X Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
3X Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
1X Hand of the Six Samurai

Spells: 21

3X Shien's Smoke Signal
3X Six Samurai United
3X Gateway of the Six
3X Upstart Goblin
1X Reinforcement of the Army
1X Dark Hole
1X Monster Reborn
1X Giant Trunade
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
3X Book of Moon

Traps: 08

1X Solemn Judgment
3X Solemn Warning
2X Double-Edged Sword Technique
2X Reinforce Truth




1X Ally of Justice Catastoe
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Black Rose Dragon
2X Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Colossal Fighter
1X Magical Android
1X Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

4th Place

Player: Ovid Exequiel D. Llorito
Deck: Kuro-kuri

Monsters: 20

3X Karakuri Ninja Kuikku
3X Karakuri Soldier Nisamu
3X Karakuri Staff Officer Nishipachi
2X Karakuri Doorkeeper Saizan
2X Karakuri Warrior Muzanichiha
2X Karakuri Merchant Inashici
2X Possessed Locomotive Dekoichi
2X Black Salvo
1X Cyber Dragon

Spells: 12

2X Pot of Avarice
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
2X Stormy Karakuri Castle
1X My Body is a Shield
1X Monster Reborn
1X Giant Trunade
1X Limiter Removal
1X Dark Hole
1X Machiner's Frontline

Traps: 09

2X Bottomless Trap Hole
2X Dark Bribe
2X Karakuri Residence
1X Call of Haunted
1X Mirror Force
1X Rivalry of Warlords


2X Kinetic Soldier
1X Quick Attack Scarecroe
1X Prohibition
2X Book of Moon
1X Synchro Cancel
1X Mirror of the Ice Barrier
1X Nobleman of Crossout
1X Trap Hole
1X Gozen Match
1X Pulling the Rug
1X Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell
1X Imperial Iron Wall
1X Light-Imprisoning Mirror


3X Karakuri Shogun Burei
3X Karakuri Great Shogun Bureido
2X Ally of Justice catastor
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Red Dragon Archfiend
1X Ancient Fairy Dragon


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13 Comentários

  1. Duelist Hunter

    Blackwings > Six Samurai

  2. bahia

    viva as galinhas pretas (blackwing)ficou boa a versão "resident evil" do exodia na frente

    1X fissure(WTF)kkkkkk faze o que deck do cara pensamentos do cara kkk

  3. João Pedro

    kkkk, 1 fissure pra matar aqela bolinha anti dark ^^

  4. Thiago Mysterio

    Vou deixar de usar side com 15 cartas. Pelo visto uma só resolve, mas ao invés de fissure usarei Smashing Ground.

  5. Felipe

    side deck foda D:

  6. bahia

    Dae MONO sei que isso n tem nada a ver mais vendo em alguns sites e vendo hora do duelo vi que um bom card para que voçe colocasse no mas que p*&¨% de carta e essa poderia ser esse:

  7. Phreedon

    1x Fissure foi foda XD

    Aeeee BW desbancou Six sem nem side LOL

  8. Nessaj

    side deck fodão são para os fracos!

  9. zEca

    poottaaa cagada desse cara de bw chegar em primeiro num torneio desses, o bw do cara é mais de pobre do que o meu kkkk
    ou isso ou ele matou os outros players do top8

  10. Cris

    gamei pelos banners
    aquela chaos godness ....

  11. Halisson_Stalker

    o q tem de mais no divine dragon aquabizarre???

  12. Harley

    Imagino oque ele matou com uma fissure , ah mais amen um bw neh galera pow só six em 1 lugar ja tava chato muito chato ¬_¬ , sadudades dos gb =( , ele bem que poderia da um chute nessa fissure e por : Kinetic Soldier ^_^ ( kalut deve te matado todos os Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En , morre capet* )

  13. bahia

    Halisson_Stalker :o q tem de mais no divine dragon aquabizarre???

    acho que não tem muitos cards com "aquabizarro" no nome...
