[OCG] Smile Cup (31/01)
Participantes: 71
1st Place
Player: Motoharu
Deck: Debris-Dandy
Monsters: 21
1X Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
2X Lonefire Blossom
2X Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1X Morphing Jar
1X Tragoedia
3X Debris Dragon
2X Dandylion
1X Plaguespreader Zombie
1X Spore
1X Glow-Up Bulb
1X Sangan
2X Chaos Sorcerer
1X Card Trooper
1X Effect Veiler
1X Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
Spells: 12
3X Pot of Avarice
1X Cold Wave
1X Monster Reborn
1X Charge of the Light Brigade
2X Book of Moon
1X One for One
1X Dark Hole
1X Giant Trunade
1X Foolish Burial
Traps: 08
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute
2X Limit Reverse
1X Call of Haunted
1X Fiendish Chain
2X Raigeki Break
2X Ally Bomb
1X D.D Crow
1X Battle Fader
2X Puppet Plant
2X Lyla, Lightsworn Hunter
2X Legendary Jiujitsu Master
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Chain Disappearance
1X Iron Chain Dragon
2X Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
1X Arcanite Magician
1X Armory Arm
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Shooting Star Dragon
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Stardust Dragon
2X Formula Synchron
2X Black Rose Dragon
1X Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2nd Place
Player: PAD
Deck: Fabled
Monsters: 27
3X The Fabled Chawa
3X The Fabled Ceburrel
2X The Fabled Ganashia
1X Fabled Raven
1X Fabled Soulkius
2X Fabled Kruz
3X Fabled Grimro
2X Fabled Kushano
1X Level Eater
1X Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
3X Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2X Dandylion
1X Plaguespreader Zombie
1X Glow-Up Bulb
1X The Tricky
Spells: 09
1X Pot of Avarice
1X Cold Wave
1X Card Destruction
1X Monster Reborn
1X Charge of the Light Brigade
1X One for One
1X Dark Hole
1X Giant Trunade
1X Foolish Burial
Traps: 04
1X Mirror Force
1X Solemn Judgment
2X Raigeki Break
2X D.D Crow
2X Morphing Jar #2
3X Puppet Plant
1X Nobleman of Crossout
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
2X Dimensional Prison
2X Chain Disappearance
1X Starlight Road
2X Tech Genus Librarian
1X Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Stardust Dragon
3X Formula Synchron
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Fabled Regin
1X Fabled Leviathan
1X The Fabled Unicore
3rd Place
Player: Spine
Deck: Agent-Angel
Monsters: 23
3X Archlord Krystia
3X The Agent of Creation - Venus
3X The Agent of Mistery - Earth
3X Mystical Shine Ball
3X Herald of Orange Light
3X Master Hyperion
2X Hecatrice
2X Honest
1X Ally Genex Birdman
Spells: 13
3X Treasure of Heaven
1X Cold Wave
2X Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
1X Monster Reborn
2X Book of Moon
1X Dark Hole
1X Giant Trunade
2X Mystical Space Typhoon
Traps: 04
1X Solemn Judgment
2X Solemn Warning
1X Dimensional Prison
2X Kinetic Soldier
1X Marshmallon
2X Consecrated Light
1X Seven Tools of Bandit
2X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Chain Disappearance
2X Rainbow Life
2X Contest for the Lord
1X Dimensional Prison
1X Starlight Road
1X Ally of Justice Catastor
1X Ally Genex Triforce
1X Armory Arm
1X Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1X Goyo Guardian
1X Scrap Dragon
1X Stardust Dragon
1X Black Rose Dragon
1X Flamvell Uruquizas
1X Magical Android
1X Mist Wurm
1X Thought Ruler Archfiend
1X Avenging Knight Parshath
1X Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1X Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Fonte: http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/11891348/
Fables? Por essa eu não esperava, to montando um deck faz tempo mas é um saco de conseguir as cartas , rsr
E as fadas do terceiro deck são as do struture já?
Halisson Stalker
o mono...acho q ali no deck plant, nao é reinforcement of the army, é reinforcement of the light (charge of light brigade) pq o cara nao tem nenhum warrior no deck 😛
Vlw pelas correções caras.
Joey_Wheeler (Marcio)
31 de Fevereiro...
Legal ver variantes de Deck Plant ganhando torneios
Halisson Stalker
olha...nunca joguei com chaos plant, mas vendo pela montagem do deck, nao me agrada muito. prefiro o deck padrão.
Falto os DANDYLIONS ali para dar 21 monstros! E legal o deck Fabled
fabled nem lembremva mais deles...
O Mono no deck fabled la no extra deck o carinha tem 3 formula synchron e um stardust dragon mais nenhum shooting star dragon voce pode imaginar porque ?
deck fabled bizarro. mais pelo menos um champ com finalistas nao muito convensionais.
Cade os samurais? xD
Legal dois 3 deck que eu gosto no top