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[OCG]Satsuki Bookstore Tournament

[OCG]Satsuki Bookstore Tournament

Data: 12 de Dezembro de 2009

Participantes: ???

1st Place: Yuta-San

Deck: Macro Monarch-Gadget



3X D.D Warrior Lady

1X Mobius the Frost Monarch

2X Raiza the Storm Monarch

2X Caius the Shadow Monarch

3X D.D Survivor

1X Spirit Reaper

2X Red Gadget

2X Yellow Gadget

2X Green Gadget


2X Soul Exchange

2X Fissure

2X Shrink

2X Enemy Controller

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Brain Control

1X Lightning Vortex


2X Bottomless Trap Hole

2X Sakuretsu Armor

2X Macro Cosmos

2X Dark Bribe

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Solemn Judgment


Postado por:_MoNo_

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