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Yu-Gi-Oh!Tournament[OCG] 2 de Julho

Yu-Gi-Oh!Tournament[OCG] 2 de Julho


Player: Mugen

Deck: Infinity Highlander

Obs: Eu acho que o nome do deck deveria ter sido: " 1 de cada " hehe, vocês já irão entender do que eu estou falando.



1X Dark Armed Dragon

1X Gorz, Emissary of Darkness

1X Caius the Shadow Monarch

1X Raiza the Storm Monarch

1X Vice Dragon

1X Cyber Dragon

1X Thunder King Rai-Oh

1X Gravekeeper's Guard

1X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X D.D Warrior Lady

1X Armageddon Knight

1X Mystic Tomato

1X Junk Synchron

1X Blackwing Gale of the Hurricane

1X Necro Gardna

1X Sangan

1X Frequency Magician

1X Apprentice Magician

1X Spell Striker

1X Old Vindictive Magician

1X Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy

1X Plaguespreader Zombie


1X Smashing Ground

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Monster Reborn

1X Brain Control

1X Mind Control

1X Enemy Controller

1X Book of Moon

1X Forbidden Chalice

1X Allure of Darkness

1X Reinforcements of the Army

1X Pot of Avarice


1X Crush Card Virus

1X Mirror Force

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Raigeki Break

1X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

Extra Deck

Igual aos outros hehe XD


Side Deck

1X Jinzo

1X Mobius the Frost Monarch

1X King Tiger Wanghu

1X Jowgen the Spiritualist

1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole

1X D.D Crow

1X Soul Exchange

1X Fissure

1X Bait Doll

1X Dimensional Fissure

1X Compulsory Evacuation Device

1X Malevolent Catastrophe

1X Royal Opression

1X Macro Cosmos

1X Dust Tornado


Postado por:_MoNo_

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4 Comentários

  1. Avatar photo


    Di boa !!! 😀

    Isso é so um deck profile neh? Me desculpe mas o cara não ia ser campeão com um deck desse aheuaehuhaeuhea 😀

    Aqui em Joinville ia levar um coco com um deck assim hhehehe

  2. Avatar photo


    porra esse cara n sabe q da pra coloca ate 3 cartas???
    n sei como uma coisa assim conseguiu vence um champ
