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Yu-Gi-Oh!World Champions

Yu-Gi-Oh!World Champions

Se você acha o atual metagame apelão, dêem uma olhada em como era um deck de um verdadeiro campeão de 6 anos atrás. Abaixo o decklist de cada jogador, que por um ano manteve o título de melhor duelista do mundo.

Campeão Mundial de 2003

Player: Ng Yu Leung ( É isso mesmo o nome do cara é Ng 😛 )

Nacionalidade:Hong Kong



1X Sangan

1X Witch of the Black Forest

1X Jinzo

3X Gemini Elf

3X Mystic Tomato

2X Don Zaloog

1X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1X Sinister Serpent

1X Magician of Faith

1X Yata-Garasu

1X Fiber Jar


1X Raigeki

1X Dark Hole

1X Change of Heart

1X Snatch Steal

1X Nobleman of Crossout

1X Heavy Storm

1X Harpie's Feather Duster

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Pot of Greed

1X Graceful Charity

1X Delinquent Duo

1X Confiscantion

1X The Forceful Sentry

1X Mirage of Nightmare

1X Monster Reborn

1X Premature Burial


1X Imperial Order

1X Call of Haunted

1X Ring of Destruction

1X Mirror Force

3X Drop Off


Campeão Mundial de 2004

Player: Masatoshi Togawa




1X Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

1X Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

1X Jinzo

1X Witch of Black Forest

1X Sangan

2X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1X Magical Scientist

1X Breaker the Magical Warrior

2X Magician of Faith

1X Shinning Angel

3X D.D Warrior Lady

1X Sinister Serpent

1X Tribe-Infecting Virus


3X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Heavy Storm

1X Confiscation

1X The Forceful Sentry

1X Premature Burial

1X Monster Reborn

1X Pot of Greed

1X Graceful Charity

1X Mirage of Nightmare

1X Smashing Ground

1X Creature Swap

1X Nobleman of Crossout

1X Dark Hole

1X Snatch Steal

2X Scapegoat


1X Call of Haunted

1X Mirror Force

1X Ring of Destruction

2X Torrential Tribute

Fusion Deck

3X Dark Balter the Terrible

3X Ryu Senshi

3X Thousand-Eyes Restrict

3X Roaring Ocean Snake

3X Punished Eagle

2X Musician King

2X Reaper on the Nightmare

1X B. Skull Dragon

1X Darkfire Dragon

1X Flame Ghost

1X Giltia the Dragon Knight

1X Fiend Skull Dragon


Campeão Mundial de 2005

Player:Miltiadis Markou

Nacionalidade: Grécia



1X Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning

1X Sacred Phoenix of Nephtys

1X Jinzo

1X Breaker the Magical Warrior

1X Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1X Blade Knight

1X Asura Priest

1X Tribe-Infecting Virus

1X Aprentice Magician

1x D.D Warrior Lady

1X Tsukuyomi

1X Sangan

1X Hand of Nephtys

1X Morphing Jar

2X Magician of Faith

1X Sinister Serpent


1X Premature Burial

1X Snatch Steal

1X Brain Control

1X Enemy Controller

2X Nobleman of Crossout

1X Pot of Greed

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Graceful Charity

2X Book of Moon

2X Metamorphosis

2X Scapegoat

1X Delinquent Duo

1X Swords of Revealing Light


1X Mirror Force

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Ring of Destruction

1X Royal Decree

1X Call of Haunted


Campeão Mundial de 2006

Player: Dario Longo




2X Red Gadget

2X Green Gadget

2X Yellow Gadget

3X Cyber Phoenix

3X Cyber Dragon

2X D.D Assailant

1X Exiled Force

1X Neo Spacian Grand Mole


3X Smashing Ground

2X Reinforcement of the Army

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

2X Shrink

2X Enemy Controller

1X Pot of Avarice

1X Confiscation

1X Snatch Steal

1X Heavy Storm

1X Limiter Removal

1X Lightning Vortex


1X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Trap Dustshoot

3X Ring of Destruction

1X Mind Crush

1X Widespread Ruin

1X Spell Shield Type-8

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Mirror Force


Campeão Mundial de 2007.

Player:Andres Toro

Nacionalidade: Chile



3X Cyber Dragon

3X Gravekkeper's Spy

3X Card Trooper

3X Raiza the Storm Monarch

3X Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive

3X Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1X Treeborn Frog

1X Sangan

1X Morphing Jar

1X Spirit Reaper


2X Brain Control

1X Soul Exchange

1X Scapegoat

1X Pot of Avarice

1X Book of Moon

1X Premature Burial

1X Heavy Storm

1X Snatch Steal

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Confiscation

1X Nobleman of Crossout

1X Machine Duplication


2X Trap Dustshoot

1X Call of Haunted

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Mirror Force

1X Ring of Destruction


Campeão Mundial de 2008

Player: Kazuki Mutsuoka

Nacionalidade: Japão



3X Gladiator Beast Bestiari

2X Gladiator Beast Laquari

1X Gladiator Beast Andal

1X Gladiator Beast Murmillo

1X Gladiator Beast Darius

1X Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

2X Cyber Dragon

3X D.D Crow

2X Elemental Hero Prisma


1X Reinforcement of the Army

3X Gladiator Proving Ground

1X Heavy Storm

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Lightning Vortex

1X Smashing Ground

1X Premature Burial

1X Monster Reborn

2X Book of Moon


3X Solemn Judgment

3X Bottomless Trap Hole

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Mirror Force

1X Dimensional Prison

2X Divine Wrath

1X Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck

3X Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

2X Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1X Cyber Twin Dragon

1X Cyber End Dragon


Qual será o deck campeão de 2009???

Postado por:_MoNo_

Gostou? então compartilhe!

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